Hometherm® - the flat entrance door from kompotherm®

If you don't want to compromise on attractive design, high functionality and maximum security in a block of flats, a new entrance door from KOMPOtherm®  is the right choice for you. This applies both to new builds and to the replacement of an existing entrance door as part of a modernisation project. Incidentally, replacing a door is much quicker than you might think. It usually takes just a few hours, causes hardly any building dirt and does not damage wallpaper, floor coverings or plaster.

After just a short time, you can enjoy all the benefits of a HOMEtherm entrance door for your home:

  • more security
  • better thermal insulation
  • effective noise protection
  • appealing appearance
  • onvenient accessibility

The inside and outside of your front door can be fitted with different surfaces. This creates a uniform overall appearance in the hallway on the outside, while the inside can be customised as required.

The design of your new flat entrance door: inviting, individual, versatile

The choice is yours. Design with different decors on the outside and inside. Our flat entrance doors combine design and technology. They are available in a wide variety of surfaces and designs.

Anyone who values an attractive design for their front door will certainly find what they are looking for in the huge selection offered by KOMPOtherm. Shape, colour, material, decors, fittings and equipment - everything can be individually adapted to your personal style of living.

Design with aluminium decorative frame

This is also possible by applying aluminium decorative frames to the inside and outside of closed door leaves or to both sides of the door. Four frame shapes are available here. Decorative frames are only possible in RAL-Farben, not in HPL decors.

Panikraum-Türen von KOMPOtherm®

Trotz immer sicherer Fenster und Türen steigt die Zahl der Einbrüche weiter!

Mit einer HOMEtherm®-Wohnungseingangstür von KOMPOtherm® machen Sie Ihr Schlafzimmer zu einem Panikraum. Dies hat den großen Vorteil, dass Sie sich in der Zeit, in der Sie am angreifbarsten sind, bereits in einem geschützten Raum befinden und diesen nicht erst schlaftrunken aufsuchen müssen.

Mit der HOMEtherm® Sicherheitstür zum Schlafzimmer brauchen Sie sich keine Sorgen mehr zu machen. Selbst wenn Sie einmal vergessen sollten, die Alarmanlage einzuschalten oder die Fenster zu schließen, können Sie sicher sein, dass keine unbefugte Person unbemerkt eindringen kann.

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Effective burglary protection is always included

Better safe than sorry

Even the basic version of your new front door by KOMPOtherm® satisfies the requirements of resistance class RC 2. The police advises the use of this class not only for family homes, but also for the front doors to apartments. After all, professional gangs of thieves have started casting their net wider than just family homes. Burglars are increasingly targeting apartments as well. But don’t worry: your HOMEtherm® apartment front door can resist attempted break-ins and will remain stubbornly shut when it really counts. To ensure this, we have equipped the doors with:

  • Concealed hinges to obstruct forced entry
  • A seven-point lock with continuous stainless steel face plate that holds the leaf firmly in its frame
  • A lock system that can withstand even impact opening and electric lock picking, and
  • reversible keys with security card to prevent unauthorised duplication.

HOMEtherm® doors are optionally available in RC3 design as well.

K-EINBRUCH – wir unterstützen die Kampagne für ein sicheres Zuhause!

Ihre Sicherheit liegt uns am Herzen. Daher unterstützen wir die bundesweite Kampagne K-EINBRUCH der Polizei. Die Initiatoren haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Bevölkerung für die eigenverantwortliche Einbruchvorsorge zu sensibilisieren. Und einbruchhemmende Haustüren und Wohnungseingangstüren gehören einfach zum präventiven Einbruchschutz dazu.

3 Empfehlungen für noch mehr Sicherheit

  • Türspion: Diesen bieten wir Ihnen in herkömmlicher Form oder in der digitalen Variante mit Bildschirm (ideal auch für Menschen mit körperlichen Einschränkungen).
  • Sperrbügel: Damit können Sie den Türflügel einen Spalt weit öffnen, ohne Gefahr zu laufen, dass die Tür von außen gewaltsam aufgedrückt wird.
  • Gleitschienen-Türschließer: Dieser zieht den Türflügel nach dem Öffnen wieder selbsttätig ins Schloss.

New build or modernisation: HOMEtherm® is always a great choice

If the front door to an apartment is to be replaced, the door frame is fitted inside the existing steel frame and then bolted tight to the brickwork. The door frame perfectly hides the old steel frame, and your new front door can be fitted quickly and neatly.

Unrebated assembly is also possible, for instance in puncto Sicherheit, Wärmedämmung und Lärmschutz erfüllen.new builds. This involves mounting the block frame on the finished plaster surface. Alternatively, it can be installed on the raw brickwork and plastered later on. All KOMPOtherm® dealers have been trained in the professional assembly of our products. After all, your apartment front door will only satisfy the requirements of security, heat insulation and noise protection if it is installed correctly.


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Highly functional and beautifully designed, down to the last detail

Branded quality is more than just the workmanship, the choice of materials and the reliable technology – often it is the small things that make a big difference as well. For instance, your HOMEtherm® door can be equipped with a retractable sweep at no extra charge and will therefore not require a sill. Your own four walls in an entirely barrier-free design? Great news for everyone who depends on a rollator, wheelchair or other mobility devices. This type of front door is particularly suitable for new builds with apartments that are designed for the elderly. After all, there is no need to accept compromises in terms of sound insulation or noise protection, even without a sill. By the way, effective protection against noise is increasingly the reason for replacing an old front door with a new one. That's why we always focus on the aspect of noise protection during the design phase. People want to kick back and relax in their own four walls after a busy and hectic day. Does that sound familiar?

What looks good in this miniature version will delight you in its original size

  • The aluminium profiles are extremely robust and do not warp, even after years of use. Additional corner pieces ensure excellent torsional rigidity.
  • The HPL coating surface is highly resistant to abrasion, shocks and scratches and is also very easy to clean.
  • The circumferential sealing system keeps warmth in your home when the door is shut and makes sure that the cold stays out. Even draughts no longer stand a chance.
  • Three sealing levels protect your home from annoying noise and unpleasant odours from the hallway.
  • Among other things, the basic features of your door include three concealed, adjustable hinges that are maintenance-free and allow precise adjustment of your new front door.

You see: a closer look at your HOMEtherm®apartment front door by KOMPOtherm® reveals that it keeps what it promised at first glance. Investing in quality is the better choice, also when buying a door.

The right door, also for special requirements

The HOMEtherm® programme also includes T30 fire doors. This means that the frame, leaf, lock, fittings and the overhead door closer required for this type can withstand flames and temperatures of 800° Celsius for a period of at least 30 minutes. That’s enough time to make an escape in the event of a fire. Anyone who is particularly concerned about noise insulation would be well-advised to pick an acoustic door (Rp = 44 dB) by HOMEtherm®. Among other things, the sound-absorbent design includes an aluminium sweep with retractable floor seal.

Would you like to learn more about the HOMEtherm® programme by KOMPOtherm®? Then simply request further information. Or: Arrange a personal appointment with one of our specialist partners close to your home. They will gladly take time for you!

Practical accessories

Viewed from the inside, front doors to apartments tend to be seen as items of furniture due to their size. Useful details in your HOMEtherm® door accentuate this perception. For instance, an integrated clothes hook fitted to the inside leaf of your new front door provides space to hang jackets or dog leashes. And you can simply fold the hook inward when it is not in use. It is held firmly in position by a magnet. An additional mirror enables a final check of your appearance before leaving the apartment.

These optional accessories gives your apartment front door a few practical benefits that you will soon find almost unmissable. 

The coat hook is optionally available in a square or oval design. The mirror has a width of 25 cm and a height of 180 cm.

A selection of our fittings

colour overview entrance doors

Standard colours

Combinations and different colours on the inside and outside are possible from these frame colours and HPL decors. The assignments are recommended colour combinations.

Cover colour

Standard HPL decors

Weitere Farben und Dekore sind gegen Mehrpreis und mit längerer Lieferzeit möglich.

Uni HPL-Dekore (ohne Mehrpreis)

RAL 9016 seidenglanz Verkehrsweiß
L-090 Dekor weiß W980

RAL 9001 matt Cremeweiß
L-021 Dekor 9001 0733 FH

Uni HPL-Dekore (Mehrpreis)

Die Uni HPL-Dekore passen farblich und von der Struktur nur annähernd zu den RAL-Blendrahmenfarben!

RAL 7016 matt Anthrazitgrau

RAL 9007 matt Graualuminium

RAL 9006 matt Weißaluminium

RAL 3004 matt Purpurrot

Your contact at KOMPOtherm®

We will gladly assist if you have questions about our front doors, catalogues or your closest dealership: call +49(0)5246/704-0 or email us at kontakt@kompotherm.de